
Sorry for the slightly late fixes.  Please svn update your idst sources and 
then "make clean" in the top-level directory.

On 32-bit Linux make sure you have the packages libreadline-dev and execstack 
Then type "make" in the top-level directory.
This will build the st80 libraries for id, the idst compiler 'idc' and Jolt.

On 64-bit Linux make sure you have the packages lib32readline6-dev (or similar) 
and execstack installed.
Then type "make TARGET=x86_32-pc-linux" in the top-level directory.
This will build the st80 libraries for id, the idst compiler 'idc' and a 32-bit 
version of Jolt that can execute its own dynamic code on a 64-bit Linux system.

If your Linux does not install execstack in /usr/sbin you may have to tweak 
function/jolt-burg/Makefile in the obvious way.

The VPU version of Jolt is no longer built by default, so...
'cd' to function/jolt-burg and then type "./main".
At the prompt, typing 
"(+ 3 4)" should give you back a "7".

I've tested this on 32- and 64-bit versions of Linux Mint.

Hope that helps.

(We are certainly not alone in thinking the compiler should be part of many a 
language runtime system. :)


On Oct 18, 2013, at 18:44 , Simon Forman wrote:

> On 10/12/2013 at 2:12 PM, "Ian Piumarta" <> wrote:
>> I will set up a 64-bit Ubuntu VirtualBox and fix whatever is 
>> broken.  If I haven't done this by midweek then please do feel 
>> free to remind me.
>> It will all have to run in 32 bits, though, since there is no 64-
>> bit code generator for idst/jolt.  It should be possible to do 
>> this within a 64-bit environment.
> No rush. I'm just tinkering. :)  I tried a couple of simple things but I 
> don't really know what I'm doing and none of it worked.  It's been a long 
> time since I've worked with C.
> From what I understand of how the COLA works I'm really blown away.  The VPU 
> alone is very impressive.  I'm beginning to think that anyone who isn't using 
> a COLA-style self-hosted system (with native code compilation!) is just 
> punishing themselves.

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