Not obvious to me.  Are you saying a folder of shortcuts?   A shortcut to a
folder?   A shortcut to a shortcut to a folder?  Instead of using indirect
addressing, can you put it in terms of folders and shortcuts, or do we need
a third type of object?  And how does this apply to a general graph
problem?   Are you speaking of URNs?  A directory of hard links?  That
seems to make the most sense to me, and would bring in the third type of
object.  Can you really make a hard link to a directory, and expect it to
work?  I'm not thinking of something with two levels, I am thinking of a
multilevel problem, where the shortcuts go really deep, like from a desktop
to somewhere into program files.  If I rename a program files folder, what
happens to my shortcuts?  If you like I can put this into Linux/BSD terms
which I am more comfortable with.  I am trying to address it to a larger
audience than that though.

On Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 8:49 AM, Miles Fidelman <>

> Isn't the obvious answer to use indirect addressing via a directory?
> John Carlson wrote:
>> To put the problem in entirely file system terminology, What happens to a
>> folder with shortcuts into it when you move the folder?   How does one
>> automatically repoint the shortcuts?  Has this problem been solved in
>> computer science?   On linux, the shortcuts would be symbolic links.
>> I had a dream about smallstar when I was thinking about this.  The author
>> was essentially asking me how to fix it.  He was showing me a hierarchy,
>> then he moved part of the hierarchy into a subfolder and asked me how to
>> automate it--especially the links to the original hierarchy.
>> In language terms, this would be equivalent of refactoring a class which
>> gets dropped down into an inner class.  This might be solved.  I'm not sure.
>> This would be a great problem to solve on the web as well...does Xanadu
>> do this?
>> I think the solution is to maintain non-persistent nodes which are
>> computed at access time, but I'm not entirely clear.
>> I have no idea why I am posting this to cap-talk.   There may be some
>> capability issues that I haven't thought of yet. Or perhaps the capability
>> folks have already solved this.
>> For your consideration,
>> John Carlson
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