>>>>> "Keith" == Keith Packard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Perhaps also <dir>/usr/X11R6/lib/Acrobat5/Resource/Font</dir> and

Keith> I've never seen a system with fonts in that directory, is it
Keith> specific to some commercial product?

Well, some closed-src free as in beer product available for ftp
anyway.  It does provide access to a certain set of four rather nice
cjk otf fonts, but I can see where it may be better off in local.conf.

>> <dir>/usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1</dir> are good ideas.

Keith> That one is probably *not* a good idea -- the TeX fonts all
Keith> have the same name making them pretty useless in non-TeX
Keith> environments.

The FontNames do of course have to be unique.  And zilla's mathml
support will need access to math fonts.  Do the fc patches for zilla
allow it to work w/ only client side fonts?  Ie, can one configure it
to never look for server side fonts?  (Certain web pages cause my X
process to blow up to over half a gig; tonight's project is to compile
1.1 w/ the fc patch, plus whatever else I need to add to get it to
ignore the server fonts (except perhaps for the widgets).)


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