On Tue, 04 Mar 2003 10:46:35 +0000
Markus Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> nor the £500 that an intitial psychiatric treatment course for mild
> paranoia costs.

For myself the paranoia set in when I began to use my computer for a
£30,000+ legal claim.  It would be nice to rule out the possibility of
EM radiation snooping if at all feasible. 

> CRT and LCD eavesdropping is for much target equipment quite feasible
> within around 10-30 meters, in rurals areas sometimes even in the 100
> meter range. However, I don't think it is actually done frequently,
> because there aren't many situations where you know in advance, which
> screen is going to display something so interesting that it is worth
> setting up all the fancy equipment necessary to do it. People who

The question is how feasible is it for an average electronics engineer
to install the basics needed.  Slashdot Nov 99:

"New Scientist has an interesting article about a new toy we will all
want. It's a card that plugs in one of your PCI slots and allows you to
scan the EMF spectrum and read your neighbours terminal. In about 5
years you might be able to get one for just under £1000. (Modern Tempest
Hardware costs about £30000) " 

> setting up all the fancy equipment necessary to do it. People who
> should worry about such things seriously usually have already taken
> care of voice eavesdropping, a in comparison far more significant
> threat.

Personally I work on the basis that taping of 'phone conversations is
straightforward and inexpensive.  It would be nice though to be able to
use a computer with _reasonable_ security where you know that a 'phone
conversation may be taped.

> And once you believe that you have taken care of RF shielding, you can
> start to worry about optical VHF leaks from CRTs:
>   http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/emsec/optical-faq.html

Again the question then becomes how feasible is it for an average
electronics engineer to set this up.  From which I can assess if I need
to take any action.


PS A quick plug for the other item on my 'OpenSource the computing
environment for Legal work' wish list.  A document processor that
numbers paragraphs - not as in numbered headings, but a straightforward
1..n of each paragraph down the left margin (e.g. might include
numbering of section numbered paragraphs quotes etc).  Some groff
documentation mentioned that a macro could be created to do this but
nroff/troff reference books appear to be on the almost extinct / very
difficult to locate list at this point in time ;)

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