The Folio project announces the initial release of its stand-alone
hyphenation module, HyFo.

HyFo is released in binary form as jar files and in source form as zip

HyFo features include:

* Hyphenation patterns embedding re-spelling hyphenation, such as are
required in Dutch, Hungarian, Swedish, Catalan and pre-reform German
orthography. These are the hyphenations expressed by the TeX
discretionary hyphenation facility. This feature is currently active
only in the Hungarian patterns, and in a special versions of the GB and
US files with the variant "_18", that is, the hyphenation trees en_US_18
and en_GB_18.

* Easy quarantining of unacceptable licences from your application.
Because the hyphenation trees, built from individual language pattern
files, are themselves stand-alone, users can pick and choose the pattern
jars they wish to install, insulating applications from the effects of
particular licences.

* No rebuilding required to add new pre-built hyphenation pattern trees.
Adding a new pre-compiled hyphenation instance is as simple as dropping
a new language jar onto the classpath.

* Integration with Java 2D text processing is provided. Hyphenation
attributes can be processed along with other text attributes by

* HyFo hyphenation is fast; more than 50% faster than the Fop hyphenator.
HyFo trades off memory usage and one-off start-up time against the speed
of hyphenating individual instances.

* The HyFo API includes methods to present hyphenation results in a
FOP-compatible manner.

* HyFo supports alphabets containing supplementary Unicode characters.
There are no known requirements for Liang-style pattern hyphenation of
such alphabets.

See the HyFo web pages at

Peter B. West <>
Folio <>

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