
This is hard to provide a short example of (but easier to describe).
Example FO + PDFs are at http://www.datalucid.com/queries/XSLFO/text-after-table-overflow/.
(I don't necessarily expect anyone to read through the FO - the PDFs are just to make the example clear to see.)

I have a problem with text following tables (whether they overflow to next page or not).
A page-break occurs in the text well before the bottom of the page is reached.

The table has a header section for repeating on overflows which includes all titles + the column labels.
(and inside this header section I define a footnote to appear on any pages + overflow pages where it is repeated.)

It looks like something I am doing is causing FOP (but not XEP) to think there is less region-body available than is the case.

Anyone else encountered this problem - or can think of a likely cause?

(I don't often have trailing text - so not an urgent problem)

Any comments appreciated.

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