I would like to know is anyone working on a multi threaded version of fop, 


The thing that I discovered was that when creating a PDF with lots of images
if the images are using external links then it tends to take a long time to
actually get them and put them into a document, I was wondering whether
there was any plans or the ability to quickly scan the external links and
then using multiple threads to get the images in parallel to reduce the
download and creation time.




Document using external image links : 3 minutes.

Document preparation (xml->fo processing ) 1 second

Image Download 2 minutes 53 seconds

Fo-> PDF : 6 seconds


Splitting that down 

All images downloading in parallel 8 seconds:

In Series 2 minutes 53 seconds


So if the images were "cached in parallel" then the time would drop from 3
minutes to 15 seconds processing time.



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