FOP version? Example? Thanks.

On 06.06.2006 14:09:44 Martin Zak wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm generating bookmarks bind to different elements in text while using 
> the xsl "generate-id()" function to get unique id.
> When it comes to the situation one bookmark can't resolve the reference 
> id (as such element with corresponding id
> doesn't exists - may occur in very complex document),
> FOP displays the warning:
> WARNING: Bookmarks: Unresolved id reference "N10001" found.
> and _no_ bookmarks are produced to output PDF.
> IMHO when the doc contains hundreds of bookmarks and one is not valid,
> it may be skipped (or left with no reference?), but other bookmarks 
> should be produced to output...
> I'm not sure whether it's just a sort of bug or desired behavior.
> If you know about some workaround, it would be welcomed!

Jeremias Maerki

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