Seems to be a bug in 0.20.5. The code doesn't check, if the URI is a
HTTP URL and therefore creates a local file link for any URI that ends
with ".pdf". This seems to be improved in 0.92beta where the problem you
described doesn't occur.

On 09.06.2006 17:38:30 John Besch wrote:
> I'm using fop 0.20.5 to create a PDF containing external links.  Most links 
> work fine, but whenever
> the url ends in ".pdf", the link is created as if it were a link to a local 
> file instead of to an external
> web site.  Clicking the link in Acrobat Reader results in the message "The 
> specified file ... does not
> exist".
> Here's a sample xsl-fo:
> <fo:block wrap-option="no-wrap" white-space-collapse="false" font-size="8pt" 
> font-family="monospace">
> URL: <fo:basic-link color="blue" 
> external-destination="url('')"></fo:basic-link>
> URL ending in .pdf: <fo:basic-link color="blue"
> external-destination="url('')"></fo:basic-link>
> URL ending in .rtf: <fo:basic-link color="blue"
> external-destination="url('')"></fo:basic-link>
> </fo:block>
> The first and third urls are ok, but the second one doesn't work.
> Is this a known bug in fop, or am I doing something wrong?

Jeremias Maerki

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