> [ERROR] Failed to embed font [8] Arial: c

This looks like a cryptic "file not found" to me. I suspect the "c" is
the drive character of an absolute filename. Have you tried relative
pathnames for the font files and a fontBaseDir?

Just a wild guess.... Good luck.

On 19.06.2006 18:33:58 Schweigl, Johann wrote:
> Dear all,
> I tried to use the Windows Arial fonts because I need to use eastern
> European characters with FOP 0.20.5 and ended up with "[ERROR] Failed to
> embed font". 
> I started with the Apache FOP supplied by Altova which is supposed to be
> a 0.20.5, but TTFReader didn't work. So I compiled my own 0.20.5, which
> was able to generate the font metric files but didn't process the FO
> files that the Altova incarnation did (?).  Altova FOP didn't like the
> font metrics of my self-built FOP, which I traced down to some
> extraneous trailing bytes in the font metric file. Converting to ASCII
> was a quick & dirty solution.
> Now Altova FOP runs and stops with:
> [INFO] Parsing of document complete, stopping renderer
> [ERROR] Failed to embed font [8] Arial: c
> [ERROR] Failed to embed font [11] ArialBlack: c
> The PDF file is created, but is damaged. I googled but didn't find much
> about that problem. Has anyone encountered and solved this problem?
> Best regards,
> Johann

Jeremias Maerki

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