Well, you just have to use consistent widths. You use different widths
all over the place so it's no surprise the line don't end up in the
right place. Once you use 3*184pt (=552pt) but then you use 550pt and
548pt in other places. You need to be aware that the borders on the
start and end sides (left/right in lr-tb writing mode) are defined to
lie outside the content rectangle [1] and that width properties usually
specify the width of the content rectangle, not the allocation rectangle.
Furthermore, there's no point in specifying width on a table-cell when
the column widths are already specified through table-column elements.
Finally, I'd have a closer eye to FOP's log output, i.e. add width
properties to fo:table elements and fix those height properties all over
the place.

I'd work less with nested tables and more with cell spanning. That will
also make your FO much more readable and it will be easier to deal with
the borders.

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl11/#area-geo

On 18.07.2006 07:51:29 Debasish Jana wrote:
> Hi:
> Many thanks for your prompt reply. 
> A sample xsl-fo file is given below.
> The problem we see is as follows:
> If we render this fo to PDF, the output shows, the tables with borders
> unaligned on the right side. Ideally, we would love to have the borders of
> the nested table falling on one another so that it looks nice. 
> Any clue, please?
> Thanking you in anticipation,


Jeremias Maerki

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