The layout engine tests takes the CPU to 100% for some time. If you
experience crashes during that then you have a hardware overheating
problem. Java doesn't usually crash the whole computer. And on Windows
you'll at least get a blue screen before rebooting if some software
severly misbehaves. So if you don't get that blue screen, you definitely
have a hardware problem.

On 05.08.2006 03:30:55 Karthik wrote:
> Thanks. Deleting the build directory solved the problem, but I am running
> continously into another issue. My machine just crashes down and turns-off 
> while
> running standard layout engine tests(junit-layout-standard target). Tried a 
> few
> times and the result is the same. Anyone faced this issue before?. Any
> suggestions?. Mine is a Windows XP Pro.

Jeremias Maerki

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