Not sure that playing with the page-masters will really help. I don't
think they have an influence here.

I've just committed a helper XSLT [1] which can split Luis' FO file at
page-sequence boundaries. It reveals that one of the page-sequences
alone makes up 18MB out of the 23MB of the full FO file. I guess that is
what FOP chokes on: Just too much data in one page-sequence and FOP
currently cannot free any objects while inside a page-sequence.


I'd try to find way to further split up that large page-sequence. This
should enable FOP to free memory and handle this file with less heap

On 09.08.2006 20:13:43 Andreas L Delmelle wrote:
> On Aug 9, 2006, at 19:27, Luis Ferro wrote:
> Hi,
> > It has LOADS of page sequences... it's a book with 2500 pages where  
> > from 3 or
> > 4 pages, the "template" changes from one column page to 2 column  
> > page...
> >
> > Is there a better way of doing this "swap" of columns?
> Not that I'm aware of... (you're using conditional-page-masters, right?)
> Can you do us a favor and try if using just one simple-page-master  
> makes a difference? Does it also consume a large amount of memory?
> Tinker a bit with the properties on each of the page-masters, see if  
> that changes anything... Never mind the output, it's simply to narrow  
> down the searching area. If the test succeeds with one simple-page- 
> master, or with different settings we'll get a better idea of where  
> to start looking.
> Thanks in advance!
> >
> > Right now... with 477 pages, to render it ocupies 1.1Gb memory... (my
> > machine has a top of 1.5Gb adressable to java...)...
> >
> > Will try now to simplefy everything as best as i can...
> Jeremias recently added a MemoryEater to the trunk with which we can  
> test, using one of your FO fragments and copying it a given number of  
> times.
> Choose one representative page-sequence, and the structure of your  
> conditional-page-master-alternatives, post them in a Bugzilla --so  
> only those people that are interested need to download it-- and we'll  
> have a look.
> > How can i test if there is memory leaks somewhere (i'm a programmer  
> > but i'm
> > very very green in java)?
> There is no easy way, I'm afraid. You can use a profiling tool one  
> one of the sessions --the JDK comes with some profiling facilities,  
> if you're a console-geek ;)-- to have a look at what the reference  
> trees in the heap look like at a certain point in the process, but  
> you'd still need some basic understanding of the process to figure  
> out which active references are totally unnecessary.
> If you're willing to invest time in this, of course you'd be welcome  
> to do so. If you have any questions or remarks, or need help  
> interpreting the results of a profiling session, just direct them to  
> fop-dev, or use Bugzilla to track the issue.
> Thanks again!
> Cheers,
> Andreas

Jeremias Maerki

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