Hello Andreas,

>> At first I wanted to report this through Bugzilla, but the Getting
>> Help page stipulated that it should be raised at the user list first,
>> so here it is.

> Well, in fact this is slightly off-topic here, and belongs more on

That's what I figured too, but being a relative newcomer I decided to
follow the published guidelines to the letter :-)

> Ultimately, the quality of FOP depends greatly upon users like
> yourself, who are not afraid to take a stroll through the code,

The reason I looked at the code at all was that I wanted to
re-implement the full internal link behaviour (landing on the exact
spot, that is). I've got it working now, need to iron out a few
wrinkles and then I'll bring it up on fop-dev. I hope it's usable for
the project too.

Kind regards,
Paul Vinkenoog

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