
I am trying to draw borders around table cells and put some space
between the borders.

Due to the lacking of the margin property in table cells, I'm using a
white border for the margin effect. I'm then setting the borders on
the fo:block elements to achive the
border effect.

The result is ugly because the borders around the fo:block elements
depend on the
content of these elements.

Does someone know how to get rid of this dependency or how to achieve
the effect
that I am looking for.



       <fo:table table-layout="fixed" width="100%">
           <fo:table-column column-width="2.6cm"/>
           <fo:table-column column-width="8.5cm"/>
           <fo:table-column column-width="2.3cm"/>
           <fo:table-column column-width="3.3cm"/>
           <fo:table-column  />
                        <fo:table-cell padding="2pt">
                                <fo:block height="7mm" border-style="solid"
border-width="1pt" border-right-width="0pt"
                        <fo:table-cell padding="2pt" border-style="solid"
border-right-width="2pt" border-color="#FFF">
                                <fo:block height="7mm" border-style="solid"
border-width="1pt" border-left-width="0pt"
                        <fo:table-cell padding="2pt" text-align="center"
border-style="solid" border-right-width="2pt" border-color="#FFF">
                                <fo:block height="7mm" border-style="solid"
border-width="1pt" border-color="#000">Quantité</fo:block>
                        <fo:table-cell padding="2pt" text-align="center"
border-style="solid" border-right-width="2pt" border-color="#FFF">
                                <fo:block height="7mm" border-style="solid"
border-width="1pt" border-color="#000">Prix Unité (€)</fo:block>
                        <fo:table-cell padding="2pt" text-align="center">
                                <fo:block height="7mm" border-style="solid"
border-width="1pt" border-color="#000">Total (€)</fo:block>

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