That's not quite true. That worked perfectly before by setting your own
JAXP URIResolver. You could even resolve a URI to a DOMSource (or
SAXSource) containing an SVG image that you've dynamically built based
on some data (think charts). With the new approach, you have to
serialize that XML to a stream (buffered in memory or on disk) which
costs performance. Not a very common use case, I know, but we're talking
possibilities that are going away with the API changes.

Previously, you could use Apache XML Commons Resolver for XML catalog
functionality. Now you probably have to write an adapter from
URIResolver to ResourceResolver (haven't had time to try that, yet). A
convenience adapter is missing.

Jeremias Maerki

On 25.07.2012 22:25:52 Matthias Reischenbacher wrote:
> Btw... it's really nice that all data is loaded now through the new URI 
> resolver. In the near future I'd like to use a custom scheme (e.g. 
> myscheme://imageid) in order to load images instead of using HTTP. That 
> wouldn't be possible without your change. So thanks!

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