Arabic is not presently supported in SVG when using FOP. For direct FOP use
(not SVG), then if you are using any version of FOP prior to FOP 1.1,
Arabic is not supported. If you are using 1.1 or current dev build, then
you are doing something wrong.

You need to provide more details.

On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 11:08 AM, Robert Gurol <>wrote:

> Hi all,
> for rendering PDF containing both Arabic text and SVG containing arabic
> text, I recently experimented with different fonts.
> Except for the Tahoma font (which I'd rather not use for its license
> restrictions), Arabic text is rendered without ligatures, i.e. the letters
> of words are displayed as if they were written alone, while Arabic demands
> they be rendered differently inside of words and at the beginning and end
> of words, so they apper connected like hand-written text.
> That even though most fonts I tried seem to work perfectly well with PNG
> transcoding (when registered with the GraphicsEnvironment beforehand),
> generating Arabic text as expected.
>  The fonts I tried so far are Lateef, Scheherazade and (Wikipedia-used)
> Amiri.
> Amiri (Regular) contains almost all characters of the unicode character
> sets Arabic, Arabic Supplement, Arabic Presentation Forms A and Arabic
> Presentation Forms B.
> As far as I know, ArabicTextHandler tries to replace adjacent letters with
> the respective connected forms and annotates the characters (not: code
> points, alas) with the respective in-word-position information for the
> letter, and it is called in both PNG transcoding and SVG-in-PDF transcoding.
> However, PNG looks much better in all cases, the ligatures seem to work
> only there.
> Is this a known issue?
> If not, I will gladly provide more information and test resources.
> Regards,
> Robert

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