*** From [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Miroslaw J. Wiechowski)

Dana I. Alvi - Chairwoman
P.O. Box 3206
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 October 6, 2001

 32. POLISH nation libel


 The following article by Konstanty Gebert  presupposes the effective
enslavement of Poles by the Jews. It acknowledges the ongoing squabble
between various factions of Jews as to the style in which they will control
the world.  The article also hypothesizes a time in which all of their big
lies about Poland as well as their own Jewish history, have become
universally accepted truths.  -  A never ending, monstrous chutzpah !
- - - - - - -

 POLAND  -  By 2050 Poland will become an economic powerhouse with Polish
Jews [*] as its driving force.

By Konstanty Gebert [aka Dawid Warszawski], MOMENT, February 1998, pp 45-46.

 In retrospect, it all seems so obvious that one is puzzled by the inability
of late-20-century  observers to spot the trend. Already the reemergence of
Polish Jews [*]  in the last quarter of that century should have given an
indication of the way events were moving.  Notwithstanding the Shoah, post
war pogroms, half a century of Communism, and a chaotic democracy emerging
from the shambles of a corrupt system, Polish Jews [*]  survived.  As soon
as it was safe to creep out of the woodwork again, the children and
grandchildren of those who, under illusion or duress, had abandoned
yiddishkeit, found their way back to Jewish insitutions.  Some joined the
synagogue;  others promptly set up nonreligious associations.  All
cooperated, however, to reestablish kindergartens, schools, and youth

 By the year 2000 Poland already had a Jewish community of some 30,000, six
times more than in 1989, when the Jewish renewal started in earnest.  The
demographic challenge has been won, and the community continued to grow, if
at a slower, more natural pace.  The political challenge proved manageable.
In their determination to join the European Union and to shed the politics
that had kept their nation hostage to history for 200 years, young Poles
gave up both bad traditions and good ones.  They preferred to learn German
rather than the history of wars with Germany.  They studied computer
programming rather than murky conspiracy theories.  Anti-Semitism was
sidelined to the lunatic fringe.  But entire chunks of national identity and
tradition were forgotten.  "Very unpatriotic", said Polish Jews [*],
disapprovingly.  As soon as Polish Jews [*]  finished rebuilding their
identities and institutions, they started a special program to preserve
Polish tradition.  Now in 2100, Jewish professors dominate departments of
Polish history and tradition in universities.

 When Poland finally joined the European Union, it discovered allies outside
of Poland.  Generations of Polish Jews [*]  who had fled the country and
remade their lives elsewhere on the continent, brought up their children
with a nostalgia for the Old Country:  weeping willows and charging
calvarymen, vodka and Frederic Chopin.  A Polish Jewish [*]  lobby soon
developed, which coupled with the surprising development of the Polish
economy, helped produce the Polish economic miracle.  By mid-century, Poland
had become a continental economic powerhouse, and Polish Jews [*],
Europe-wide, were its driving force.  The community made up in chutzpah what
it lacked in original scholarship.  Apart from some specialists documenting
the history of Hasidism, anti-Semitism, and the Shoah, most Polish Jews [*]
were happy to make money and to import American rabbis and professors to
make up for the rest.  As American Jewry assimilated and shrank, Jewish
educational institutions had to draw their purse strings.  But a continental
position was not to be sneered at, and by the mid-21st century Jewish
learning was being massively imported into Central Europe from the United
States.  Ten years later, it was no longer imported.  After ten more years,
Polish Jews [*]  were not only producing Jewish scholarship, they were
exporting it.  This was the straw that broke the camel's back.  American
authorities rallied to American Jewish organizations, who accused Polish
Jews [*]  of unfair academic competition in the past.  Israel, long furious
at Central Europe for its manifest lack of Zionist feeling and eager to
score points with the United States, joined the Americans.  Eventually both
sides fought themselves to a standstill.  Descendants of Polish Jews [*]  in
America and Central Europe negotiated a truce with Polish Jews [*].  And to
honor the role of Central European Jewry in helping to integrate the
continent  -  after all, the Jews found it easier to swear allegiance to
Europe than did the other citizens of the various nation-states  -  the
European Union government in Brussels awarded the Baron de Rothchild first
European award to a Polish Jew [*].

Konstanty Gebert is editor in chief of Midrasz, Poland's only Jewish
monthly.  He was formerly with GAZETA WYBORCZA, Poland's largest daily [Jew
controlled] newspaper.  In 1978 he helped set up the Jewish Flying
University, a study group which meets to discuss Jewish issues.  He was one
of the founders of the Polish Council of Christians and Jews in 1990. - -
End of article.

*  There are no such people as "Polish Jews" or "American Jews" or Jews
expressing membership in any nationality but their own.  Jews are Jews, as
their religion requires.  They reside in and are citizens of various
countries for convenience and exploitation only.
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