*** From [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tomasz Iwanowski)

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 10:16:43 -0500
> Subject: INTENSE STRUGGLE AT THE HAGUE, Friday 8 March
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> =======================================
> Reprinted from Yugoslav newspaper, Blic
> [Our thanks to Robert S. Rodvik for this article] 
> [Posted 11 March 2002]
> =======================================
> Blic, Belgrade | March 9, 2002 
> The Hague (Tanjug) - The continuation of the latest roundof hearings,
> which commenced yesterday, suffered many interruptions by
> JudgeRichard May today. At one point, the Judge intervened and warned
> the witness, as well as the defendant, "This is not a political
> manifestation but a trial". 
> Mr. Milosevic cross-examined Sabit Kadriu, who claimed the Serbs did
> not flee Albanian violence but were "searching for a better life"
> outside of Kosovo & Metohia and that they were "selling their farms
> and estates to Albanians at steep prices". The witness claimed that
> he had no knowledge as to how many Serbs had fled the province and
> that the "regime" in Belgrade caused and then manipulated this
> situation. 
> Mr. Milosevic told the court that Albanian separatists persistently
> refused the Government's proposal for the return of Albanian
> professors and students to state schools, while the witness claimed
> that, every September, when the school year traditionally starts, the
> Serbian government" prevented the Albanians" from enrolling. 
> Countering the witness' claim that the "Serbian regime organized the
> return of the expelled Serbs back to Kosovo & Metohia in order to
> change the demographics", Mr. Milosevic said that of all the expelled
> Serbs, only 5,000 returned to their homes, which is, as Mr. Milosevic
> said, less than 1% of the total number of Serbs who have been forced
> out of the province. The prosecution witness also claimed that there
> were no - and are no - mujahedins in Kosovo &Metohia. Mr. Milosevic
> then showed the FBI document, dated December 2001, which clearly
> indicated that Al-Qaida had been active in Kosovo & Metohia. 
> Kadriu said that "he knew nothing" about the killings of four
> policemen in the village of Chirez on March 3, 1998, which, as Mr.
> Milosevic said, was the result of a firefight between the Police and
> the KLA. The Ahmeti family lost their lives in this confrontation,
> which the witness claimed was a "massacre of unarmed civilians". 
> In reference to the witness' claim of a massacre of the Gerxhaliu
> family in May 1999, Mr. Miloshevich said that the investigating judge
> went to the scene immediately after the incident and made a report.
> The witness characterized this as an "obstruction" on the part of the
> "Serb forces" and claimed that such things "always occurred" and that
> "the Serbian police always called the court investigators after they
> committed crimes." 
> The defendant then told the court about the murder of Rexhepi
> Bairami, an activist and a member of the LDK, the party headed by
> Ibrahim Rugova, who was killed in Vuchitrn "on the orders of the
> local KLA commander". Kadriu then said that "he never heard of any
> Bairami". 
> Mr. Milosevic then mentioned the fact that, in 1998 alone, 327
> loyalist Albanians had been murdered, to which the witness replied
> that he" did not believe there were any loyalist Albanians" in Kosovo
> & Metohia. Mr. Milosevic, in turn, cited Faik Jashari, a member of
> the Interim Executive Council of Kosovo & Metohia, who had reported
> that, after the war, some 30,000 Albanians fled to central Serbia
> together with the expelled Kosovo & Metohia Serbs. 
> Kadriu described the KLA as a liberation army and stood his ground,
> claiming the army and the police "conducted an offensive against 27
> Albanian villages on Mt. Chichevitsa and murdered 200 civilians and
> one member of the KLA". 
> Mr. Milosevic then cited Kadriu, who had said earlier that "Adem
> Jashari was killed when he ran out of ammo", and asked the witness
> how he could talk of a "massacre of civilians" when the police first
> asked Jashari to come out and give himself up, then gave him 2 hours
> to consider the offer - "during which a number of people had left the
> compound" - and that soon after, "a hail of bullets, fired from
> dozens of automatic rifles" came from the house toward the police, to
> which the police responded in self-defence and, as a consequence,
> killed 60 people inside the Jashari compound. 
> At this point Judge Robinson jumped in and remarked that Kadriu
> wasn't present at the scene. Kadriu then said that he saw "bodies of
> dead women, children and elderly people", that the action against the
> Jashari compound "lasted three days", and that it served to paint a
> "false picture" in the media. 
> Mr. Milosevic then cited British Foreign Office reports, dating from
> early 1999 (1) , which revealed that there had been no political
> persecution of Albanians, but rather a confrontation with "military
> opponents" - the KLA - who controlled parts of Kosovo & Metohia. 
> The witness then said that, in 1999, the "Serbian forces had killed
> 15,000 and expelled 1,000,000 Albanian civilians". (2)
> Mr. Milosevic responded by asking the witness about the kidnappings
> and killings of Serbs, the KLA detention centres in the village of
> Likovats, as well as the makeshift prison in the basement of a
> general store in Vuchitrn. The witness responded, saying such prisons
> "did not exist", and he also denied any killings and kidnappings by
> the KLA. (3)
> The witness denied Mr. Milosevic's claim that literally all citizens
> of Serbian nationality from 39 out of the 45 villages in the Vuchitrn
> Municipality had been ethnically cleansed and had their houses burned
> down, saying there "may have been" some "revenge attacks against the
> Serbs who committed war crimes." 
> Alleging that all the Serbs who once lived in the town of Vuchitrn
> are war criminals, Kadriu acknowledged that there were no more Serbs
> in that town, and that they fled "of their own free will because they
> committed war crimes." Branislav Tapushkovich, one of the amici
> curiae, reacted, drawing the court's attention to the contradictions
> in Kadriu's testimony. 
> Mr. Milosevic protested the court's decision to limit the time for
> cross-examination and asked that the cross-examination be continued,
> which was rejected by Judge May. As a result, the trial will continue
> on Monday with fresh testimonies from new witnesses. 
> As the hearing was drawing to a close, the security officers in the
> courtroom asked Mr. Milosevic's legal advisors from Belgrade to leave
> the room. They had been warned not to "gesticulate and communicate"
> with Mr. Milosevic. They later returned to the courtroom. - END
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> ==========================
> ==========================
> 1) This is probably a reference to a group of documents in which the
> German Foreign Office and also the German Federal Courts assessed the
> request, by Kosovo ethnic Albanians, for asylum. To rule on these
> claims, the German officials assessed the conflict that raged from
> February 1998 to march 1999 in Kosovo and ruled that there had been
> no targeting of ethnic Albanians, but rather a conflict between
> secessionist and government forces. These documents can be read at
> http://www.emperors-clothes.com/articles/german/Germany.html 
> 2) Concerning Western/KLA claims that "the Serbs" expelled hundreds
> of thousands of Albanians during the NATO bombing, see the interview
> with Kosovo historian Cedomir Prlincevic, formerly the chief
> archivist in Pristina. For the full interview, entitled, "Why
> Albanians Fled During NATO Bombing," go to 
> http://www.tenc.net/interviews/keys.htm 
> Or read the shortened version, entitled, "WHAT'S BEHIND KLA STRATEGY
> IN THE BALKANS?" which can be read at 
> http://www.tenc.net/interviews/strategy.htm 
> 3) For anymore familiar with what happened in Kosovo following NATO's
> takeover, the claims, made by the "prosecution's" KLA witnesses, that
> the KLA didn't institute a reign of terror, are simply ludicrous. To
> get some sense of the extent of racist terror - and sheer
> gangsterism, including towards ordinary ethnic Albanians - since NATO
> installed the KLA in power, see "Concentration Camps and
> Gangster/Terrorism in Kosovo" at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/news/reporter.htm 
> This article documents both the terror against Serbs, and the day to
> day gangsterism now rampant in the province. It includes the
> following gem. In a NY Times article, explaining why the KLA has been
> seizing profitable businesses at gunpoint, a NY Times story quoted a
> KLA 'government' source as follows:
> "[KLA leader] Mr. Thaci's appointees said that such confiscations,
> especially of state-owned buildings, were part of their effort to
> determine property ownership. They also defended the decision to
> begin collecting money from businesses, a practice many shop owners
> have labeled 'extortion.'" -- Quoted in "Concentration Camps and
> Gangster/Terrorism in Kosovo" at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/news/reporter.htm 
> How can one write satirical fiction when this is the "news"?
> 4) Dr. Kosta Cavoski, a distinguished Yugoslav legal scholar, has
> written a mind-boggling four-part series. 
> In 'The War Crimes Tribunal vs. Gen. Djordje Djukic' at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/cavoski/c-1.htm
> and 'The Mistreatment of Col. Aleksa Krsmanovic' at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/cavoski/c-2.htm Professor
> Cavoski deals with the torture and physical destruction of Serbian
> 'defendants'. 
> In 'Illegal Origins' at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/cavoski/c-3.htm 
> Professor Cavoski analyzes the Tribunal's legal rationale, or lack of
> same. 
> In 'Learning from the Inquisition' at
> http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/cavoski/c-4.htm Professor
> Cavoski describes the practices of the Tribunal, which thoroughly
> violate what we would consider natural legal guarantees. 
> 5) 'Why is NATO Decimating the Balkans and Trying to Force Milosevic
> to Surrender?'
> By Jared Israel and Nico Varkevisser 
> 6) 'How Madeline Albright Ordered The Hague 'Tribunal' To 'Indict'
> Milosevic' at 
> http://www.icdsm.org/more/lovie.htm 
> 7) 'Official Statements Prove Hague 'Tribunal' Belongs to NATO,'
> by Jared Israel at 
> http://www.icdsm.org/more/belongs.htm 
> Subscribe to the ICDSM email list at
> http://www.icdsm.org/maillist.htm Receive a few articles a week.
> Click here to send the link to this article to a friend.
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