*** From [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tomasz Iwanowski)

niestety mialem ten sam problem - linki znikaja, ktos pilnie pracuje nad tym.
zalaczam pelny email od Pana Ted Pioro z listy dyskusyjnej
ale On tez ciachnal tylko kawalek artykolu.
cc. do Pana Ted Pioro - moze Pan posiada caly tekst.
z powazaniem, tomek iwanowski

--- "W.Glowacki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> *** From [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wilhelm Glowacki)
> Link okazuje sie "wrong URL". Moze by wiec puscic caly artykul., jezeli go 
> Pan posiada.
> W.G.
> ====
.... ciach ...


The books presented below do explain what is going on
in the U.S. if the "chosen" Jews and their false god
Yahve are concerned:

1a/ A Program For The Jews by Rabbi Harry Waton, New
York, 1939 of which the purpose was to convince Hitler
that in his best interest is to cooperate with Jews
for the common good of mankind. The Rabbi said:
"When the Jews declared war against Germany (1934) I
saw that that was a suicidal policy."

1b/ Hitler's Jewish Soldiers
The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and Men of Jewish
Descent in the German Military
Bryan Mark Rigg,May 2002.
Contrary to conventional views, Rigg reveals that a
startlingly large number of German military men were
classified by the Nazis as Jews or "partial-Jews"
(Mischlinge), in the wake of racial laws first enacted
in the mid-1930s. Rigg demonstrates that the actual
number was much higher than previously
thought--perhaps as many as 150,000 men, including
decorated veterans and high-ranking officers, even
generals and admirals

2/ Israel In War With Jews (Adolf Hitler Founder of
Israel) by Hennecke Kardel, 1974, 2nd edition 1997,
available at
<www.amazon.com>,<ww.amazon.com>,<amazon.com>, New
Century Press toll free tel. (800)5192465,
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or at the Modjeskis'
Society Dedicated to Preservation of Cultures, P.O.Box
193, San Diego, CA 92038. The price for this book with
the Society is 17 bucks S&H included. Also look for
Kardel's name at any Search Engine or ask
t_pioro@....([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for details;

3/ Explaining Hitler by Ron Rosenbaum, 1998, where in
on p.313 posthumously Hitler said: "Who created
Israel? There wouldn't  have been Israel without the
Shoah (Holocaust)". 

4/ Barbarians (Jews) Inside The Gates (of the U.S.) by
Donn de Grand Pre, 2000, at GSG & Associates, P.O.Box
590, San Pedro, CA 90733.

5/ Jews as tools of tyrants of the Soviet Union, Nazi
Germany and post-war Poland in the book by John Sack
"An Eye For An Eye", New York,1995.
   (check out:

6/ They Dare To Speak Out by Congressman R. Findley.
About facts regarding U.S.- Israel relationship read
also in his Deliberate Deceptions, New York,1995.

And now, please excuse for pointing out two most
intriguing books, compatible with the previous six:
The Bible-The Devil's Book by Jos Rogiers, Cymophane
Publishing, Sweden proving that the doctrine of Torah
brings our World to ruin, and Jesus Lived In India (&
died there) by Holger Kersten, Element Books Ltd,
England, claiming that Moses' grave is located and
preserved in a small mausoleum in Booth at the foot of
the Mount Nebo, Kashmir, the Promised Land in India!

But they are less intriguing if one considers
archeological discoveries of Italians and Israelis
(1975-1995) that the tyrant Moses' Bible is a
compilation of myths; that the Exodus never occured;
and that short existence of pastoral Israel (1000-750
BC) was preceded by mighty Imperiums of Egypt and Ebla
(Syria) with their vassal kingdoms of Canaan and
Palestine, and Ebla's Sun God Is-Ra-El (see notes 04 &
42 to the Israel In War With Jews).

The Black Book of Communism (destructing private
ownerships) by Stephanie Courtois, 1999, explicitly
explains why the half Jew Adolf Hitler started the
WWII. It also in a subtle manner deconspires the
Jewish invention - Communism. And the Hitler's Jew:
The Secret History of David Ben-Gurion, as the
greatest enemy of Jewish people during the WWII,
reveals that he prompted events that helped the Final
Solution for the Zionists could use Nazis as the Nazis
could Zionists. Few examples are Jew Baron von
Mildenstein, head of the Jewish Department of the SS,
as well as Jew Reinhardt Heydrich, the right hand, a
mascot of Hitler, who divided Jews into two categories
- Zionists and no-Zionists, the formers proclaimed by
Hitler as having rights to the Palestine. (see The
Defamation of Pius XII by Ralph McInerny, 2001).

Admittedly on February 8,1930 and on May 15,1931 Pius
XI condemned Communism but on November 17, 1933 the
U.S. recognized U.S.R.R.!! In 1936 Spain had to fell
into Bolshevik hands with the American Legion on their

"Communism teaches and seeks two objectives:
Unrelenting class warfare and absolute extermination
of private ownership. Not secretly or by hidden
methods does it do this, but publicly, openly, and by
employing every and all means, even the most violent.
To achieve these objectives there is nothing which it
does not dare, nothing for which it has respect or
reverence; and when it has come to power, it is
incredible and portentlike in its cruelty and
inhumanity. The horrible slaughter and destruction
through which it has laid waste vast regions of
eastern Europe and Asia are the evidence; how much an
enemy and how openly hostile it is to Holy Church and
to God Himself is, alas, too well proved by facts and
fully known to all. Although We, therefore, deem it
superfluous to warn upright and faithful children of
the Church regarding the impious and iniquitous
character of Communism, yet We cannot without deep
sorrow contemplate the heedlessness of those who
apparently make light of these impending dangers, and
with sluggish inertia allow the widespread propagation
of doctrine which seeks by violence and slaughter to
destroy society altogether. All the more gravely to be
condemned is the folly of those who neglect to remove
or change the conditions that inflame the minds of
peoples, and pave the way for the overthrow and
destruction of society." (QUADRAGESIMO ANNO,
SOCIAL ORDER, May 15,1931)

7/ And this is a must reading too:
   The Bible (Exodus 23:24 & Daniel 3:29 or 96); The
Koran (Jinn 72:17); The Gospels (John 8:44) because
for Muslims not Yahve is a god, but Allah. Allah has
had no son and Jesus is a Prophet as Muhammad was. For
Israelis not Allah is a god, but Yahve is. Yahve has
had no son. Jesus was a son of a Roman soldier and
Jews are waiting for a Messiah because Christ was not.
Talmuds (Palestinian and Babylonian) would explain
that goyims are beasts, and the
<http://www.sbtc.net/~teacher/books.htm> much more. If
you add to this The Beasts of the Apocalypse by Olivia
Marie O'Grady, First Amended Press, 2001, USA, how the
"chosen people" ever since the Moses are implementing
a consistent program geared toward world domination
with manifold disastrous results, you will get the
whole picture clear.

October 11, 2001
America on the brink.

Oppose this Zionist war against America!
"Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence -- I
conjure you to believe me, fellow citizens... history
and experience prove that foreign influence is one of
the most baneful foes of republican government." 
 --George Washington

"Israel controls the United States Senate."
 -- Sen. William Fulbright

"Every time we do something you tell me America will
do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you
something very clear: Don't worry about American
pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control
America, and the Americans know it."          ---Ariel
Sharon, October 3, 2001.

This issue of the Duke Report is probably the most
important one that I have ever written. You who read
these words are among the too few that fully
understand the realities of Zionist power in America.
It is crucial that you act immediately to share the
information in this report to everyone you know. At
this time, my job is a difficult and thankless
endeavor. Now, more than ever, I need your support so
I can reach the American people the truth they must
hear before it is too late. 

Many people wait to act until things really get bad.
If you are someone who has put off getting more active
in our cause, now is the time! Never in all of
American history has our freedom, security and
prosperity been more threatened! Every true American
patriot must act now to protect the rights and
heritage of our people.

America is on the brink of a global war that may well
lead us to utter ruin. Cheered on by the Jewish media
and the Jewish Lobby, the White House has already
launched a series of devastating attacks on
Afghanistan. The ultra-powerful Jewish Lobby now
screams for a much wider war, a global war to
supposedly protect us from terrorism.

If the war is widened, it will not save us from
terrorism; it will make certain that we suffer from
it. It would radicalize and motivate millions of
people around the world to support terrorism against
America. Make no mistake about it, this war is a war
against America! It can only deeply harm our nation
and our people!

Only Israel benefits from this war. The Zionist
warmongers in media and government seek to use
America's guns and money to strike devastating blows
at Israel's enemies. They also know that the ensuing
war fever will shift attention away from Israel's
brutal terrorism and suppression against the
Palestinian people. Here's how this war will have
catastrophic effects on America:....

A Jewish war against America!

The Jewish supremacists and their servants are
screaming for a wider war, a global war that will not
protect us from terrorism, but make us more certain to
endure it. Make no mistake it about it, this is a
Jewish war that is being fought not just against the
Arabs, it is a Jewish war against America because it
directly against our fundamental interests.

This war could well destroy American prosperity and
our most sacred, fundamental freedoms.

I urge every reader of the Duke Report and every
member of the European-American Unity and Rights
Organization (EURO), to support our boys, but oppose
this war. Why should we risk the lives of our young
men and the lives of thousands of American civilians
to support the criminal actions of Israel?

 I urge you to be patriotic for America by opposing
this Jewish war, for this Jewish war will do
incalculable harm to the United States and her people.

I urge you who have for so long believed but stood on
the sidelines, to get active for our people, for our
freedoms and for our future.

I urge you to share the truth with your fellow family
members, friends, and co-workers.

Better to make a heroic effort today rather than
endure brutal oppression tomorrow.

I also urge you to financially support our efforts to
awaken the American people. I am encouraged to report
to you that our mail boxes and web sites have been
flooded with inquiries of Americans who on their own
have guessed at the truth. These are Americans who
have never before been involved in Patriotic

In my entire lifetime, I have never seen the interest
in our Movement at a higher level. But, our huge Web
traffic, printed literature and postage are expensive,
so I ask you for your generous help, so I can continue
to awaken our people.

And, I call on you, each and every one of you who
reads these lines, to reach out to a fellow American
and tell him the truth! Never has this call been more
urgent than at this moment in history.

The time is now!
Rep. David Duke
Former member of the House of Representatives
State of Louisiana


>Declaration of Michael A. Hoffman II concerning the
current massacre of
>1. To Zionist-worshippers, human rights activists and
>educators in America. Don't you ever speak again of
Nazi crimes,
>Hitler's racism or how terrible the "Holocaust" was.
It is all
>propaganda bullshit! Palestinian men, women and
children are at this
>very hour being butchered and exterminated by the
hundreds in cold
>blood, with TV cameras banned, in Jenin, Ramallah,
the Gaza ghetto and
>Bethlehem, as if they were worthless rats and fleas
and not human
>beings, and none of you gives a good damn!
>2. To the Arabs of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, etc.
You think Secretary
>of State "Colon Bowel" will save Palestinian lives?
He was instrumental,
>along with Bush, in giving Sharon the green light for
genocide. You
>depend on the U.S. that supplies the bullets, the
machine guns and
>helicopter gunships that rip the flesh of Arab
children to pieces, to
>bring mercy and justice to the Middle East? You are
>Where are the armies of Muhammad to march on the
Israeli terror state
>and stop this mass murder now? You shake your fists
in street marches.
>Big deal. It means next to nothing. The innocent
continue to die.
>Americans don't care. Arab babies will bleed in the
gutter with an
>American made M-16 bullet in their heads and
Americans will not care
>enough to do something substantial that makes a
difference. No Israeli
>will stand trial for war crimes.  No American money
will be withheld
>from Sharon. "Holocaust" educators will not lift a
finger. American
>human rights activists care only about the welfare of
the Jewish
>supremacists they serve. If Islam is so great, why
can't Islam save its


  Louisiana State University Professor David
Perlmutter has called upon the "State of Israel" to
use its illegal nuclear weaponry to destroy all of
human civilization in a recent opinion piece published
by the Los Angeles Times.  The address below will take
you there.


   For those of you who would prefer not to read the
entire piece, the
following paragraph-length quotation from it should be
more than sufficient to give you the general flavor:

  "Israel has been building nuclear weapons for 30
years. The Jews
understand what passive and powerless acceptance of
doom has meant for them in the past, and they have
ensured against it. Masada was not an example to
follow--it hurt the Romans not a whit, but Samson in
Gaza? With an H-bomb? What would serve the Jew-hating
world better in repayment for thousands of years of
massacres but a Nuclear Winter. Or invite all those
tut-tutting European statesmen and peace
activists to join us in the ovens?"

   If an equivalently vile and disgusting screed were
to appear on Al-Jazeera or written anywhere in the
Arab and/or Muslim press, we would all willingly and
rightly denounce it for what it would clearly be:  a
terrorist manifesto.
   The fact that a Louisiana State University
Professor is not even criticized by his fellow
academicians after publishing such a treasonous rant
in a major U.S. newspaper is both sad and totally

   John Ashcroft should at least consider sending a
contingent of FBI agents to interrogate, if not
outright arrest, this proponent of nuclear terrorism.
That is what would happen if this man were an Arab
and/or a Muslim, but because he is a Jew, the
government and the media, as well as his own
university, all work to protect him.

   This loathsome state of affairs simply must come to
an end!  I
strongly urge all patriotic Americans to contact
Louisiana State University officials, Louisiana Gov.
Mike Foster and all other relevant officials and
impart to them your desire to see Professor Perlmutter
taken off the public payroll.  I, for one, would
rather see my tax dollars shredded, than used to pay
this viper tospread his venomous filth under the
auspices of Louisiana State University!

   Rather than writing this guy with email which he
will just zap, try contacting LSU chancellor Emmert,
or Channel 2 WBRZ news in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Or
the local newspaper, the Morning Advocate, at (225)
383-1111 or P.O. Box 588, Baton Rouge, LA. 70821 and
see if they will pick up the story.

   However, if you feel the need to vent and would
like to personally tell Professor Perlmutter how you
feel about his Los Angeles Times opinion piece, you
may contact him at the following e-mail address: 

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