In FZ, go to Edit->Settings,
In Settings, select the "File Editing" page in the treeview on the left.
Edit the properties as follows:
- Select "Use Custom Editor" and enter the path to PSPad.exe in the field below
that selection.  For example, "C:\Program Files (x86)\PSPad editor\PSPad.exe"
- Select "Use filetype associations if available"
- Check box "Watch locally edited files and prompt to upload modifications"

In PSPad, make sure PSPad is associated as the default app for editing the
various file types you edit -- for example: htm, pl, cgi, php, js, etc.

This is how mine is set up and it works well. 

Now if you go into FZ, connect to your web site server, the open a file on your
local hard drive, edit it in PSPad, and return to FZ, FZ will automatically
detect the changes and pop a dialog saying "This file has been modified,
Upload?" (or similar).  I've also opened files from the server, made changes and
save them and it copies the local temp file it was editing in back to the server
to the filename I opened, effectively editing server files in situ.

One thing, make sure you navigate to the proper server directory before editing
a local file and saving it.  I think FZ always uploads to the current remote
directory, so you want to have the remote dir in FZ be the same as the one that
contains the file you're editing if you are using the change-detect-upload
feature of FZ.

PSPad freeware editor

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