Curious, how practitioners (Adiwarman Karim), IRTI Islamic Development Bank 
Researcher (Mohammad Obaidullah) and bureucrats ( Dahlan Siamat-Depkeu) talk 
about sukuk and development challenges in Indonesia???

Curious, how if presentator from IIUM, UTM Johor, INCEIF Malaysia, FEUI, UNAIR, 
UGM, UNIBRAW and Tazkia share their ideas about Sukuk and Development Challenge 
Make your RSVP in International Academic Conference SEconD 2010 Feb 2nd-3th at 
Loby A FEUI. Or by sms to 081314182166 (Astri) format : REG_AC/SK/FULL 

Registration and Further Information, please visit: http://secondfeui. com.

Don't Miss it!!!!



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