I was able to configure meld (a lovely graphical compare utility).
What error are you getting?  Initially I forgot to include "set", but
    fossil set gdiff meld
set the graphical diff tool and
    fossil gdiff src/Makefile
allowed me to view the previous and current versions.


On 01/09/2010 12:45 PM, Ron Aaron wrote:
On Saturday 09 January 2010 19:18:03 Stephan Beal wrote:

Make sure that kdiff3 is in your $PATH and takes 2 filename arguments. i
use "kompare" (another kde-based diff app) for my gdiff, and it works like
a charm.
No good.  I switched to 'bcompare' (BeyondCompare), which I often use --  and
which is on my PATH -- and no joy :<

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