On Mon, 5 Apr 2010, Twylite wrote:

The point about accountability is well made though - perhaps the shun
action should cause an entry in the timeline at the time the shun is
effected, indicating the artifact that was shunned, the parent of the
shunned artifact, and a comment (why it was shunned).

The copyright of all derived works (i.e. all merges that touch the bad file) is tainted, so shunning a single object is not enough, you may actually have to shun a lot of artifacts, and modify all commits that somehow depend on any copyrighted files and any variants to keep your repository working. That's not exactly trivial.

I work in a heavily regulated industry, and legal concerns have been keeping us from implementing any and all DVCSes until now.


Gé Weijers <g...@weijers.org>
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