No reply to this question yet - sound that this option is risky!

- Altu

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, Oct 20, 2010 9:58 am
Subject: Re: [fossil-users] Fossil enhancements: Please test

Hi Richard, 
These changes are interesting. 
> fossil setting repo-cksum off 
If I use this setting on local checkouts and let's assume for some 
reasons that a commit damages the local database. If I don't have 
repo-cksum disabled on the remote repository (assume on http), will I 
get an error message when I push? 
I want to make sure that my remote repository never gets corrupted. 
That way, I can have this setting disabled on local database for faster 
commits and then once I push, I can know that something went wrong. 
Then, I can try to recover my loss of work using current checked-out 
code and a corruption-free remote repository. 
- Altu 

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