On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 6:01 PM, David Bovill <da...@architex.tv> wrote:

> I'm up and playing with Fossil - looking great so far. I'm going to
> experiment with how far I can hack the look and feel of the wiki / server
> output.
>    - it looks like you can set up your won skins - but are fixed to the 3
>    defaults. Can you add your own via the db?
You can edit the look/feel as much as you like, and use 'fossil config
export' to save it.

>    - with the header and css files you should be able to add JavaScript
>    and completely customise. I'll be looking at adding DOJO - has anyone tried
>    anything like this?
Yes, you can plug in external JS (i plugged in jquery once but ended up not
using it for anything).

>    - what is the effect of allowing HTML in the config settings - does
>    that allow full JavaScript in the wiki pages?
Dunno - i'll have to punt on that one. BEWARE that enabling full HTML does
not disable wiki markup. That means that wiki-like-markup in the HTML/script
content will get hosed by the wiki marker-upper. (Been there, done that.)

----- stephan beal
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