2011/2/11 Lluís Batlle i Rossell <virik...@gmail.com>:
> I think the approach taken by most VCS I've seen is far better than what 
> fossil
> provides now: leave the conflict files in the working directory with a 
> different
> name, like it could be src/update.c.conflict for example.

Yes, something like that. As I recall, SVN update leaves a file with
".rNN" as the extension, where NN is the revision number, and another
file with the trial merge, while leaving the local copy as-is. (Of
course, using the revision as a file extension does not work well with
most DVCSs.)

> As I understand now, I've either to use the stash or commit somewhere and try
> the operations susceptible of file merges (update/merge) always with a working
> directory clean of changes. I personally dislike having to have this care.
> Any thoughts? Agreements? Disagreements?

I agree, a VCS - any VCS - should not overwrite or delete local
changes - or anything unmanaged.

That said, I long ago learned (the hard way) the first axiom of
version control: A VCS is not a backup system. So, I do make backups
before I update my local working copies. Hopefully, nothing goes wrong
and do not need to restore anything from a backup.

But please, do provide better handling of local changes and unmanged files.

> (And of course I'm writing this after just having lost some lines of code)

I know what you mean. No matter how often you make backups, once in a
while you wish you made them more often.
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