On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 8:41 PM, Ron Wilson <ronw.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 4:58 PM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:
> > Given
> > the DAG before the push/pull, and the complete set of changes caused by
> the
> > push/pull, can you suggest an algorithm that will answer yes or no as to
> > whether or not a new fork was created?  Bonus points if you can give me a
> > name for the fork.
> >
> > For some projects, the DAG contains over 100,000 nodes.  We'd like to
> > compute the answers above without having to pull nodes off the disk
> > corresponding to check-ins that happened many years ago.
> Some recalls would be needed.
> (For purpose of this dicussion, I will use "push" because this denotes
> the direction of the operation even if the actual action was a pull
> from the other end.)
> Ideally, the detection should be done on the instance that the commit
> was performed on because it likely has a smaller workload then the
> down stream instance. However, this requires the pusher also pull
> updates (either before of after the push - ideally before) to have
> "foreign" commit info to campare with.
> As for methodology, the number of queries could be minimized with a
> linked list. From the description of how Fossil utilizes SQLite, I
> assume there is a table of commits. Add 2 fields (if not already
> present), one identifying the parent commit and the other field
> identifying the next youngest commit with the same parent. Since the
> DB tables are built by traversing the artifacts in chronological
> order, it is easy to point each "new" commit record to the previous
> record with the same parent. Then as a s new commits are added during
> a sync/push/pull, "older siblings" are automatically detected.

You still haven't told me what a "fork" is.  What topological pattern in the
DAG am I looking for and reporting?

> I have not worked out implementation details, but I think this would
> work with out overloading a Fossil instance.
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D. Richard Hipp
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