So, the point of that command is to make an xterm that you can kill to stop
your fossil ui, so you don't stack up 10 fossil ui commands.  In windows,
you can use Launchy for this (similar to gnome-do, quicksilver, etc.).
 Here's an improved script that doesn't depend on nc.  Windows users should
be able to convert this to a batch file that uses cmd \K (I think that's the
right option) instead of xterm:

cd $HOME/Notes/fossil-wiki
xterm -e "fossil ui -P 5555 || google-chrome localhost:5555"


On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 10:18 AM, Bill Burdick <>wrote:

> Every now and then I review my need for personal wiki.  I use Tiddlywiki
> for a lot of things, but it's not version controlled (out of the box) and
> I've also used Ikiwiki, which is really neat.  Yesterday I had a "duh"
> moment when I realized I can use Fossil for this, but I wanted a nice way to
> start it from Synapse by just typing wiki, so I made this script.  Maybe
> some other people will find it helpful (I set the Fossil server port to
> 5555)...
> #!/bin/sh
> if nc -z localhost 5555
> then
>     exec google-chrome localhost:5555
> else
>     cd $HOME/Notes/fossil-wiki
>     exec xterm -e fossil ui
> fi
> Bill
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