
That should work just fine. I would put the closed-source variant in a 
separate branch, so they can pull your changes and either merge wholesale 
or cherrypick at will.


On Wed, 25 May 2011, Nolan Darilek wrote:

> A commercial company is interested in productizing one of my open source
> apps. The thought is to keep all existing pieces as open, but to change
> the app's name, and to add in various proprietary code designed to tap
> into their own services. Even so, development on the open code will
> continue, and occasionally changes will be pulled from the open codebase
> into the closed one.
> I'd like to stick with using Fossil for both projects, but I'm wondering
> how to manage this case where these two repositories aren't truly in
> sync. I'd like to keep closed code completely outside of any open
> repositories to avoid accidentally tainting open code, so private
> branches wouldn't seem to be an option.
> My current thoughts are to clone the open project's repository, deliver
> that to the company as something they can host on their server. Any open
> development happens in the open repository, then when I want to merge in
> changes, I cd to the closed project and run:
> fossil pull --once http://open.project.url/
> My guess is that this would just pull in open changes and won't try to
> push closed code (I.e. just one side of sync.) Is this going to complain
> about anything, though? I.e. will it complain if the repositories aren't
> exact copies before the pull?
> Also, ideally the changes won't introduce conflicts, since the closed
> code will be in an entirely separate package. There will be changes in
> at least one file in the closed branch, though, the AndroidManifest.xml
> which changes the app name and such. Will Fossil be OK with merging
> changes that don't cause conflicts, even if the repositories aren't
> strictly in sync?
> I hope I can use Fossil in this scenario, as it would vastly ease the
> pain of trying to keep the proprietary version in sync with the open
> version.
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