On 09:59 PM, Nathaniel R. Reindl wrote:
>> Is it necessary that it's autoconf?  Or would you take a CMake-based build
>> script?
> The GNU autotools have a lot of traction in the community, and a wide
> variety of people are familiar with them.  This makes a compelling
> case alone for adopting the toolset
Unless you intend to build on Windows, in which case you'll maintain a 
separate build system for that platform.  Or you use an IDE, which will 
need its own build files.  In fact, if you use anything other than a 
text console on *nix, you may want to consider a different build tool.

If my opinion counted (it doesn't, I haven't contributed code to Fossil) 
I would support CMake.  But Fossil's sources are heavily preprocessed 
and it may only be possible to build them in a *nix shell environment.


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