Indeed, I use my Windows PC as server and client.
My %COMPUTERNAME% is Y00122496. My %USERNAME% is y00122496.
Y00122496 haven't been defined as in hosts. Y00122496 is the 
localhost and needn't to be defined.
The server repo is in D:\server. The client repo is in D:\client. I guess they 
can run independently.
And I use CMD.exe as my shell to run the scripts, not BY HAND.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- hasn't offer fossil V1.19.
The foot of page shows:
Fossil version 1.19 [abe7b8335f] 2011-08-02 18:42:14
So I download the Zip archive from
But I encounter fail on build it via VC++ 6.0:
I'm in doubt whether the version of VC++ is correct.
I can't find this info in
I encounter fail on build it via VC++ 6.0:
There is a trivial defect: two "c:\msc\extra\include" of '-I'
        cl -c -nologo -MT -O2   -I. -I..\src -I..\win\include 
-Ic:\msc\extra\include -Ic:\msc\extra\
include /Fo.\blob.obj -c blob_.c
blob_.cblob_.c(22) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'zlib.h': No 
such file or directory
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl' : return code '0x2'
Follow the instruction on
I should download some software packages. I need more time to do it.
Best regards.
Justin Yu

Re: [fossil-users] Maybe a bug in sync
Tomek Kott []
2011-08-10 (星期三) 22:42

Without using the batch files, I've done everything you have by hand using 
fossil 1.19 2011 07 22. When I go back to the server, and write fossil open 
ops, I correctly get the client1.txt file on the server side. Therefore, it is 
either a windows XP vs. 7 issue, or a fossil vs. 1.18 vs 1.19 issue.

Please update to 1.19 and try the same script.

One other possibility is that there is something related to the shell you are 
using. Are you running this on powershell or the cmd.exe?

Two other confusing pieces to note:
D:\client>fossil commit --comment client1
You can see: The first ‘Autosync’ will poll repo from server.
Autosync:  http://y00122496@y00122496:8080
                Bytes      Cards  Artifacts     Deltas
Sent:             130          1          0          0
Received:         170          4          0          0
Total network traffic: 321 bytes sent, 345 bytes received
New_Version: 11de786c5c9d689c798399f2c37d98f5b5602c89
You can see: The second ‘Autosync’ will push repo to server.
Autosync:  http://y00122496@y00122496:8080
                Bytes      Cards  Artifacts     Deltas
Sent:             539          9          0          0
Received:         264          6          0          0
Total network traffic: 459 bytes sent, 397 bytes received

First, you can notice that on the push, no artifacts are sent. On my tests, 
there are two artifacts sent (I imagine it is the manifest and the file). 
Therefore, it is not surprising that the server never shows the client file.

Second, I assume that you have y00122496 defined as in your hosts 
file somewhere, since you can successfully clone from it.

Same question as last time though: have you tried these same commands BY HAND 
to ensure that the batch file itself isn't the problem?

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