On Fri, 26 Aug 2011, Gilles wrote:

I'm not very clear at what a manifest is:


It seems to be a list of artifacts (ie. changes?) for each file under
source control.

The manifest describes a committed revision. It's mostly file names and hashes. When an artifact (in this case the contents of a file) is stored its SHA1 hash is calculated. It's extremely unlikely that two different sequences of characters ever hash to the same SHA1 hash, so Fossil (and Git, Mercurial, ...) use the hash as a way to identify the file content.

To reconstruct a particular revision from a manifest you have to create each file listed in the manifest, retrieve the contents using the hash and store it into the named file.

Recently the flag '-showfiles' was added to 'fossil timeline'. It shows which files were added, deleted or modified in each commit. The next release should contain this feature.
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