On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 2:24 PM, Steve Havelka <smh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 10/4/11 4:11 PM, Dmitry Chestnykh wrote:
>> Found it. In the UI, go to the "Files" section, select a file, click
>>>> on "Shun" in the menu bar, and finalize with "Rebuild".
>>>>  As has already been said, you don't really want to do that. If you
>>> think
>>> you do, you do not understand what Fossil is for, nor do you understand
>>> the principles of software engineering, nor what you will do in nearly
>>> two
>>> years time when you need to figure out what on earth you were thinking
>>> two years earlier to make you write something so silly, and the only
>>> thing that might help you is those files you threw away. If you don't
>>> care you don't need Fossil anyway. If someone is paying you to do stuff,
>>> you need to care, and you need Fossil or something like it and you need
>>> to use it properly.
>> This reply should be shunned from the mailing list.
> Agreed.
> Given that we all make mistakes from time to time, like checking passwords
> into a repo or checking in huge files, and given that there's at least one
> hacky, clumsy workaround for deleting stuff (export to git, modify, import
> from git), and given that these sorts of requests (to delete files,
> branches, etc) do recur, maybe the philosophy of "never delete anything"
> still needs further amendment?

Every time pragmatism loses to philosophy someone, somewhere, is gonna get

It is noble to have a philosophy of "don't rewrite history" but only to an
extent. Some obvious and perhaps not so obvious examples have been mentioned
in this thread.

I think fossil has a nice balance here. It is possible to remove stuff but
it takes a little effort. Never deleting stuff is just silly. An record of
the past that stores irrelevant data is quite likely less useful than a
record that has been cautiously cleaned up.

What I mean to say is, it kinda seems like the software should serve the
> users first, and the philosophy second.  We've already got the "shun"
> because it was found to be kind of necessary.  And deleting things is a
> pretty natural kind of operation (... and one where there certainly isn't a
> technical limitation against it).  Saying "don't do that" is already leading
> to a certain amount of friction, and I don't imagine that that will diminish
> as time goes on.

I'd personally like to see a mechanism that does the following:

1. Stops the object(s) from being propagated or received.
2. Hides the objects(s) from view, (but can be enabled to show again)
3. After a period of time, I think about a year, the data is removed

> It's of course not my software, and I don't have patches to contribute, but
> I'd still encourage the development team to consider that maybe a delete
> function wouldn't be such a bad idea.  (It could still, of course, be
> officially discouraged.)

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