Am 19.10.2011 um 19:33 schrieb Stephan Beal:
> On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 7:16 PM, Rolf Meinecke <> wrote:
> Wouldn't it be sufficient to run one Fossil instance for this purpose?
> Like in "eat your own dogfood"?
> LOL! A skin-demo site could work if the anonymous user had the rights to 
> change the skin. i don't think that will work right now without giving 
> anonymous access to far more stuff (e.g. the css and header editors).

Anyone remember  ;-)

But actually I only meant having a central repository for skins. 
Any Fossil user can simply clone and then fiddle around on the local copy. KISS.
Pushing changes or new themes would require having an account on skin central.

> If you need a place to host such a repo, i can get one set up for you.

If someone set up a skin central repo, I'd be happy to contribute the zenburn 

>> *bow*
> Was that an intentional reference to the "dogfood"? ;)

No. Sorry, I don't get it.

>  Es kommt nicht darauf an wie du fällst. Sondern wie du aufstehst!
> Was that the German translation of Batman's catchphrase in Batman Begins? 
> "What do we do when we fall down? We get back up."

Sort of.

"It does not matter how you fall, but how you get up again.


Sometimes I wonder… Why is that Frisbee getting Larger? …and then it hits me.

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