On Thu, 20 Oct 2011 12:39:43 +0200, Kohn Bernhard
<bernhard.k...@ait.ac.at> wrote:
>I have used the fast explorer to achieve a menu entry just beneath 7zip 
>explorer entry. You should try the Submenu Items selection on the left side of 
>fast explorer.
>But I use only the type File Folder.

That's why: It doesn't seem possible to add an item to a group that is
only called when right-clicking on a file while the other items are
called when right-clicking on a folder. The former will be displayed
outside the Fossil group :-/

A picture being worth a thousand words...


I did some research, but the Registry doesn't seem to allow this, so
coding a COM DLL seems the way to add a menu and items that can be
called on either folders or files.

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