On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 9:20 PM, Nolan Darilek <no...@thewordnerd.info> wrote:

  What about addremove? It won't do the commit, but might get you
    closer still.
Doh, i thought addremove was a hypothetical command, but it really exists.

>From my first post:
> I tried a number of commands that I thought might do this (like 
addremove), but could never seem to get it to do what I wanted....

Basically, I could never get it to work right.  So, it seems maybe I just 
didn't understand things correctly and it should work?  If so, then I should 
give it a try again then and see if I can. :)
Note: must leave, so probably won't reply back on how it went till another day 
... but thanks for letting me know about it.  (I wasn't actually expecting 
immediate replies from people :) )

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