Hijacking the summary votes:

+1 modifying rm/mv to actually rm/mv files in file system *only with -f*
 -1 renaming rm to untrack or something similar that conveys correct
message -- personally I think of "fossil rm" as acting on the repository.
So I am, in fact, removing the file from the repository. Repository != file
system to me.
 -1 settings option to ignore/include .dotfiles - supported in versionable
settings --- this is already handled by the 'ignore-glob'. No need to have
two settings that do the same thing. We can argue about whether or not the
default setting for that should include "*/.*"
 -1 status should also show files that might need to be added --- in my
opinion you are asking the status of the repository. The repository reports
changes / additions / deletions you've specified. Again, for me repository
!= filesystem.
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