
In our search for adequate markup to be used for our upcoming
open-source project, we stumbled upon AsciiDoc
(http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/) and, so far, like it very
much and decided to use it instead of reST/Sphinx, markdown etc.

However, the best part is that there is asciidoc-fossil-backend
(https://github.com/srackham/asciidoc-fossil-backend) which enables one
to write his/her documentation in AsciiDoc and still display it nicely
on the site using Fossil's wiki mechanism.

I was not able to add new page following documentation @github, but the
following works:

asciidoc -b fossil -o - asciidoc.txt | fossil wiki create AsciiDoc

to add new page to the wiki, while:

fossil wiki export AsciiDoc AsciiDoc.wiki

created embedded doc (which seems to be favoured nowadaysa).

Remembering that I was complaining a lot about Fossil' not using some
'standard' markup (reST/markdown/...), I did accept this design choise
believing that Fossil offer so much more, but now I was graced by even
better solution. :-)

AsciiDoc is very rich semantically and able to cope with the whole
books, it produces excellent PDF output (we use dblatex toolchain),
generates several flavours of HTML (html4, xhtml, html5) and can be used
for generating man pages as well as EPUB, DocBook output etc., but it is
still possible to get decent Fossil wiki output without putting too much
weight on the server by installing DocBook toolchain tools.

I did not find any post about this backend here, but only in the
AsciiDoc mailing list, so hope it might be of some use for Fossil users.


One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and 
activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again 
in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna.

http://atmarama.net | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

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