> The choice of library name suggests that the author does not have a keen eye 
> for beauty, in which case the code is unlikely to be something I would care 
> to work with.
Maybe the name of the library just don't represent the same for the
author as for you, different culture, etc; but this really have
nothing to do with having a keen eye for beauty.

> Furthermore, I am disinclined to look at the code for fear of running across 
> comments that I would prefer not to read.
You should really have a look at the code, it was written far before
the name of the library, and there are no comments of any kind like
you seem to imagine.

This is to bad that this great library is just pushed out because of
an unfortunate name which was chosen for a joke (with references, that
apparently noone from the native english speaking world  get)  and
with out any perverse references in mind.

Please have a look at the code before judging of anything about the
author, just judge the code and work she has done.

You don't even have to name the library on the commit log, just "New
markdown format support for embedded documentation or something like
And if the name is a problem, I'm pretty sure she could easily be
convinced to change the name of the library if someone come with a
better name.

Nothing in the code itself reference libupskirt

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