On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 1:21 PM, Scott Robison <sc...@scottrobison.us> wrote:
> One thing I thought of yesterday but dismissed (and am now rethinking as a
> result of your email) is maybe there should be a bit of meta-data that can
> be attached to files to explicitly set their encoding. Having built in
> detection code would still be useful to set it initially, and having it as
> meta-data could make it possible for the user to change the encoding of the
> file when fossil guessed wrong for whatever reason. A similar bit of
> functionality could be provided for end of line handling. Regardless, I am a
> fossil novice myself, so maybe that functionality is there and I am just
> ignorant of it.

I am a fossil novice myself, but I don't think there is such
functionality built-in currently.
There is the settings system, which is used for the "crnl-glob"
setting, for example, but it is not attached to individual files.
Also the settings are not versioned or synced (unless put into the
.fossil-settings folder).

My plan for the EOL conversion was to extend the syntax of the
"crnl-glob" setting in the following way:
*.txt:cr        < force CR
*.txt:nl        < force NL
*.txt:cr+nl   < force CR+NL
*.txt:native  < convert to native format
anything else: < allow CR+NL (current behaviour)

But I agree that properties attached to files (similarly to
subversion, perhaps) might be preferable for setting the encoding/line

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