On Oct 9, 2012, at 20:44 , Eric wrote:

> On Tue, 9 Oct 2012 12:19:59 +0200, Remigiusz Modrzejewski 
> <l...@maxnet.org.pl> wrote:
>> But who would prevent a cow worker from using them?
> Cow worker????????????????????

Reference to the Dilbert comics... 

The idea is that, especially in corporate environments, you'll at some point 
end up working with people who'll be, in your eyes, highly defective. Unless 
you're always in exclusive control of hiring, you'd better think of mechanical 
ways to enforce your vision of the project.

>> Actually... No. Fossil, with it's monolithic single-app design, is
>> relatively hard to both extend and embed.
> Actually there are two kinds of people in the world, those who expect
> something to do whatever they think it should, and those who look at
> what it is designed to do, and how it is designed to be used, and then
> either use it accordingly or find something else.
> Of course success in extending or embedding depends on the level of
> available skill in awk or Perl or Expect or whatever. Remember that the
> target end-user for Fossil is a developer!

Yeah, you pretty nailed it. A perfect explanation why Fossil's integrations 
into various IDE's, GUI front-ends and other integrations are so popular. I may 
be OK with CLI, but it already bit me a few times: I can not use Fossil in my 
day job, because there's no Eclipse plugin (apart from that, the team said 
"whatever", we're free to start new projects in whatever VCS that Eclipse 

>> But don't say it's easy to extend by writing a separate client or ipc-ing
>> to this one...
> Why not, it's a perfectly acceptable technique.

Acceptable, yes, in some circumstances. 

But compare: open3 a process and parse the output (is it even guaranteed to be 
stable?) to a function call...

Kind regards,
Remigiusz Modrzejewski

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