Michai Ramakers wrote:
> ...resulting in about 70 kB/s traffic with very rare (a minute or more
> in between - didn't time exactly) single bursts. According to top(1),
> neither server- nor client-fossils seem to be doing anything
> CPU-intensive at that time.
> Both 'local to local' clones were slow (70 kB/s), while both 'remote
> to local' clones were fast (around 7 MB/s).

My instant gut reaction here is to say 'IPv6'. If your DNS setup is
wrong on the 'local' machine, then whenever it tries to look up
localhost it could well be spending ages trying to query it up the DNS
hierarchy. This would explain the burst traffic: every HTTP connection
would involve a very long pause for the lookup, and then normal traffic

I don't know if this is actually the case or not, but don't ask me how
to fix it --- I don't use IPv6 on any machines I admin. But these links
might be relevant:



┌─── dg@cowlark.com ───── http://www.cowlark.com ─────
│ "There is nothing in the world so dangerous --- and I mean *nothing*
│ --- as a children's story that happens to be true." --- Master Li Kao,
│ _The Bridge of Birds_

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