On Thu, 17 Jan 2013 13:45:36 +0100, Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com> wrote:

however, in the fossil repo (as of today) I get these number of checkins:

timeline: 4905
dbstat  : 4906
info    : 4860

i.e. in this single repo there is a difference of one between timeline and
dbstat seemingly hinting at
a specific bug either in the code or in the database I guess.

The difference is repo-specific. In the fossil repo (old/large) the diff is
relatively large. In my own repos (smaller/younger) the difference is

there is an additionally specific problem (not seen with other repos) that
the number of `timeline' entries is off by one relative to the `dbstat' opinion
of the number of checkins.

smaller (anywhere from 1 to 10 or so). The difference we see here is due to using different counting queries, but whether or not this difference is due
to a bug or is actually as-designed is not yet clear. For the near-term
future they will differ, until i can figure out if the "mlink" table is
being mis-used somewhere (i.e. if there's a bug).

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