On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 4:35 PM, Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 10:28 PM, Edward Blake <edward.bl...@rovoscape.com
> > wrote:
>> Right now I stuck a GPL license as a path of least resistance simply
>> because all the other Tortoise are GPL. I've noticed since that Veracity's
>> is Apache licensed so I figure why not make this permissively licensed as
>> well. Currently I can go either way, I believe, since it is so far written
>> from scratch, but BSD and permissive licenses looks to be the preferred
>> license in the Fossil community.
> My 0.02 Euros: in my experience people don't tend to get too riled up
> about specific licenses for _apps_ (provided the license in question is
> "open"), but do tend to get religious about them over _libraries_. For
> example, i can't imagine there would be a split in the fossil community if
> it suddenly went GPL (whereas there would be a huge split if sqlite3, being
> a widespread library, did that).

Fossil *was* GPL before you came on the scene, Stephen.  But there was
pushback on this, and so I tracked down all the contributors, got each one
to sign copyright releases (or in the cases where I could track them down,
removed their contributions) and converted Fossil over to BSD.

BSD seems to cause fewer problems than GPL with corporate lawyers.

The problem with BSD is that you really should get a signed form from each
contributor stating that their contribution is BSD.  This is automatic with
GPL, since releasing your contributions under a compatible license is a
prerequisite for viewing the code in GPL.  This makes GPL great for a
highly collaborative environment, with lots of contributors.  BSD is more
permissive (less burdensome) for readers, but that makes it a little
tougher for writers since they now have to send in some paperwork.  As
readers tend to outnumber writers by a high multiple, I tend to go with the
license that is easiest on readers:  BSD.  But opinions vary on this.

> --
> ----- stephan beal
> http://wanderinghorse.net/home/stephan/
> http://gplus.to/sgbeal
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