On 6/18/2013 3:51 AM, Michai Ramakers wrote:
On 18 June 2013 11:06, Michai Ramakers <m.ramak...@gmail.com> wrote:
For the time being I will park the faulty/suspect repo somewhere, and
create a new repo to work on.
Ok, did that - created new repo from scratch and added files, then
tried cloning with new fossil-version on both server- and client-side.
Oddly enough I see the similar behaviour as the original issue.

I tried to isolate it a bit; there seem to be 2 files (a .zip and an
.exe) that, when added to a clean repo, each cause cloning of that
repo to fail; only when both are omitted does cloning on my win32 box
succeed. A clean archive with either one of these files (in their
original dir-structure, but omitting all other files) would cause

A repo with both files is available at

SHA1/size of both:

michai@lime:/tmp/binsearch/f$ sha1 *
SHA1 (JN-AN-1110_JenNet-IP-Border-Router-BR_1v6v1.zip) =
SHA1 (JN-SW-4041-SDK-Toolchain-v1.1.exe) =

michai@lime:/tmp/binsearch/f$ ls -l *
-rw-r--r--  1 michai  wheel  102068822 Jun 12 10:51
-rw-r--r--  1 michai  wheel  156939992 Jun 11 22:40

(I am running 'f server' from within the source tree - running a
server like this or  with repo-file as argument doesn't seem to

Hope this helps (and reproduces at all) in debugging.

I was able to reproduce a similar behavior, and I think it has to do with the size of those files.

I created a 200 MB file and a 150 MB file using dd from /dev/arandom. I added those to a new repository on an OpenBSD system and was able to successfully clone it to a CentOS Linux system but it did not successfully clone to a Windows XP SP3 system. On the Windows system it finished much faster and the resulting fossil file was only about 60 KB.

I'm afraid that's all the debugging I have time to do at the moment.

Edward Berner

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