On Jul 24, 2013, at 13:36 , Petr Pudlák wrote:
> I have a several year old project that has been managed in several VCS over 
> its lifetime, and for past year or two it has been managed using Fossil. The 
> history of the project contains some ancient code that is not necessary now, 
> but worse, it also contains some ancient binary library files, which make the 
> history quite large. Is there a way how to abandon some old code, for example 
> to delete every commit that is older than some date?
> I could export it to GIT, there make the change and import back, but this 
> will change code commit hashes and therefore I'm not sure if it would be 
> possible to keep the relations between tickets, commits and commit messages.

Exporting to git was my first idea.
If there are just a few of those big binary files, you can use shunning.
Otherwise, I guess you'll need to script something using fossil deconstruct, 
but I have no experience with that route.

Kind regards,
Remigiusz Modrzejewski

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