
`fossil help clone' tells me:

By default, your current login name is used to create the default
admin user. This can be overridden using the -A|--admin-user

I just tried that locally (within my file system):

fossil clone -A JoeDoe orig.fossil clone.fossil

1. in `orig.fossil' the (sole) `setup' user is me (current_login_name),
which is as it should be. (as an aside: the help text does
speak of `admin' user, but actually its the `setup' user (and a `admin'
user has different (somewhat lower) permissions) -- so this might
call for a change of the help text?)

2. but in `clone.fossil' the web interface tells me that there are two
`setup' users: current_login_name and JoeDoe

question: should I expect this (I did not...)? I would have thought that
there will be a single one (JoeDoe). and that is also what I intend to

3. a partly related question: I'm not 100% sure what are the implications
of sending a fossil repository file to someone else. I know that the
user/password information is in the sqlite database and that one can
easily get at the passwords. my question is: if I don't care that the
locally used user names are becoming known and the passwords are
irrelevant/not valuable either: are there any more points to consider,
i.e. is there anything else in the database which one should not
distribute just so?

thanks in advance for any enligthenment.

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