Thus said Chad Perrin on Tue, 13 Aug 2013 18:39:21 -0600:

> Everything was working great until I tried to use the following in the
> authorized_keys file for the user account hosting the Fossil repos:
>     command="/usr/local/bin/fossil",no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding
>     ssh-rsa <key> <user>@<client-host>

This  won't really  work  at  all with  the  current  release of  fossil
(version 1.26) because  fossil's client side expects to be  able to talk
to a shell, not to a fossil program.

> . . . because, of course, "ssh -L" is then prevented from working.

That  shouldn't have  prevented port  forwarding. no-port-forwarding  is
what prevents that and I don't see that listed.  More than likely what 
happened is that the SSH connection brought up fossil, but it gave you 
a usage statement.

>  Is there  a fairly simple way  to prevent people from  doing anything
> unrelated to what  a dev team member  should be able to  do that still
> allows me to use this approach to granting encrypted Fossil access?

Well, if you are doing the port forwarding approach, yes, there is. Make
the command something like sleep:

command="/bin/sleep 28800" ssh-rsa ...

Then all they can  do is tunnel to your fossil  server listening on port
8888 (and  anywhere else  for that matter.  Obviously when  sleep exits,
they will have to restablish a connection. You might also want to enable
ClientAliveCountMax and ClientAliveInterval to  detect clients that have

Port tunnelling certainly will not be as convenient as simply doing:

fossil clone ssh://fossil@freebsdhost//project project.fossil

But it should be feasible and  quick to setup (again subject to training
your users  that they  must clone/sync with  localhost via  HTTP *after*
they have  established the SSH  tunnel). By  the way, the  fossil server
need not  live on  the freebsdhost.  You could place  it on  an internal
server ( for example) and then setup the tunnel like:

ssh -L 8080: sshuser@freebsdhost

Then they clone:

fossil clone http://fossiluser@ project.fossil

Hope this helps.

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