> That sounds like it would "break things," but nonetheless, i'd be
> interested in seeing it, and maybe we can make it work backwards compatibly.

Yes it may break things. I say "may" because I'm not sure that it
actually does break old skins.

> The setup page has a toggle to enable plain HTML.

Yes but my mod enables plain HTML on a page basis just like you have
Fossil Wiki, Markdown and Plain Text. This option bypass the wiki format
code (and may be a security concern). A setup option could be added if
necessary or it could be available to admins only.
Basically most of my pages are fossil wiki / markdown but the home page
that uses more of the Bootstrap features.

> i'd be all for doing that, if Richard doesn't object (he implemented the
> initial scrubbing of attributes).

To be more specific on my changes in wikiformat.c :

The data-* attributes are valid.
article, aside, footer, header, nav, section elements are valid.

> That is a work of art! The collapsing of the menu in small-screen mode
> is great!

Thanks but the credits must go to Bootstrap !

> i would most certainly be interested in seeing how we can do that while
> being backwards-compatible, but non-trivial code changes can only be
> accepted from those with a copyright waiver on file with Richard:
> http://www.fossil-scm.org/index.html/doc/trunk/www/copyright-release.html

I'm not sure it falls in the non-trivial category ! Anyway Richard
should have my contributor agreement already.

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